Bailiwick and SUP- needs, opportunities, ongoing barriers? - International Climate Summit TOGETAIR 2023
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The most important ecological events in Poland

Bailiwick and SUP- needs, opportunities, ongoing barriers?

Bailiwick and SUP- needs, opportunities, ongoing barriers?

Bail-in and SUP were the two topics discussed at the second debate of the environmental stage of the 4th edition of the
TOGETAIR 2023 International Climate Summit.The bail-in system is an essential mechanism for the
for the implementation of the extended producer responsibility principle and, consequently, for the reduction of the production of
waste. However, how to design it well? How to finance it so that it does not overburden
consumers? How to account for and enforce? Why do we still lack proper regulation?

The panel included experts, including Robert Chciuk, Director of the Waste Management Department at the
Ministry of Climate and Environment. The SUP Act, which is an implementation of the directive, imposes certain
obligations, and the costs associated with incurring the product fee are postponed, they do not enter immediately
with the entry into force of the Act. The deposit system is an auxiliary mechanism that is needed to
achieve the expected levels. Currently, the deposit scheme is in the works in the staff committee, after a positive
opinion it will be submitted to the Council of Ministers and then to the parliament.

Beata Waszczyłko-Miłkowska, Head of the Department of Monitoring and Forecasting in Waste Management of the IOŚ-
PiB, emphasises that research on littering and waste collection in public systems is already closed,
and on a European scale, Poland has nothing to be ashamed of. Our share of littering in the EU is about 6%.
A Pole statistically litters with approx. 3 kg of waste per year. When it comes to throwing waste out of hand on the pavement,
beach or in a park, we have nothing to be ashamed of on an EU scale. Further studies are also under way
The number of installations volunteering to take part in them is low.
Karol Wójcik, Chairman of the Programme Council of the Chamber of the Municipal Industry, emphasises that public support for the
bail system is huge, and this potential must not be wasted. The bail system needs to be
introduced as a complementary system in Poland.

Deposit system in the packaging economy – social value or effective recycling method?
The introduction of a deposit system to improve packaging management and reduce waste
is a complex topic that requires attention from different stakeholder groups, including businesses and

Alexander Traple, director of BioSystem, points out the uncertainties and limitations of the deposit system.
According to him, this system is not a panacea for all evils in the packaging economy, although it is socially
desirable and worthwhile as an introduction. Traple also pointed out that the range of entrepreneurs is
diverse, and some of them are not interested in environmental laws on a daily basis. He sees a huge amount of work
of education in this area.

Konrad Nowakowski, president of the PIOIRO Chamber, in turn pointed out the need to go beyond recycling itself and increase
investment in technologies that will help reduce waste in production. In his opinion,
making reusable packaging mandatory for certain ranges would allow the
eliminate a large amount of waste.

In the ensuing discussion, Robert Chciuk pointed out the dissonance between the will to implement as quickly as possible and the
expectations of businesses. Any postponement should take place in agreement between the
parties. Aleksander Traple, Director of BioSystem, referred to the problem of organising a well-functioning
functioning system by 2025, saying that he is ready to take on this challenge. In his opinion, the source of
responsibilities will be the SUP itself, and a tool for implementation will be needed, regardless of whether or not a
law on the bail system.

Another important issue in the discussion regarding the introduction of a bail system is the level of
consumer acceptance. Will the average consumer be willing to give up packaging for a small deposit?
Beata Waszczyłko-Miłkowska from the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute
stressed that the amount of the deposit is difficult to estimate, as it depends individually on the particular
consumer. However, it should be remembered that the deposit system is not only intended to encourage consumers
to selectively collect bottles, but also to create incentives for businesses to use
reusable packaging, as well as to introduce changes in waste management that will increase recycling rates.
recycling rates.

Why don’t Poles selectively collect waste?

One of the most important elements of this protection is waste segregation. Unfortunately, there are still many people in Poland
people do not collect waste selectively. Why is this happening?

Karol Wójcik, Chairman of the Programme Council of the Chamber of the Municipal Industry, believes that the problem is the
the complicated process of waste segregation. As he explains: “We need to simplify the composition of packaging, standardise the
fractionally, so that we do it instinctively”. Wójcik emphasises that in Poland we started to selectively collect waste
waste only two years ago, and although it is getting better, there is still a lot to do.

Konrad Nowakowski, on the other hand, focuses on the issue of education. According to the expert, the key to improving the situation is to
increasing public awareness of waste segregation. “The deposit level, on the other hand, is only the first
stimulant to public understanding that: Waste is a raw material, so waste has value. Segregating
waste pays off. We don’t pay fines and we have cheaper products on the shelves,” – says Nowakowski.

In conclusion, the lack of selective waste collection in Poland has many reasons, including the lack of education and the complexity of the
process of waste segregation. To achieve the goal of environmental protection, it is necessary to increase public awareness
public awareness in this area and to simplify the composition of packaging and make it fractionally uniform. A deposit system can be
important step towards improving waste management, but other solutions and
education of the public. The introduction of a deposit system can be an important incentive for businesses
and consumers to change their practices and deal with waste more consciously.

Two days filled with meetings, more than thirty debates, round-table discussions, motivating power speeches, dozens of Polish and foreign experts – this is how the largest environmental event in Central and Eastern Europe – the TOGETAIR 2023 International Climate Summit – is presented. The event takes place at the Warsaw University Library on 20-21 April.  TOGETAIR 2023 has received prestigious patronage from Polish and foreign institutions, including the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, and the Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki.

The full agenda of the event including panellists is available at:

Follow and watch TOGETAIR 2023: Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn YouTube

Media contact: media@a-smiejatogetair-eu

Two days filled with meetings, more than thirty debates, round-table discussions, motivating power speeches, dozens of Polish and foreign experts – this is how the largest environmental event in Central and Eastern Europe – the TOGETAIR 2023 International Climate Summit – is presented. The event takes place at the University of Warsaw Library on 20-21 April.  TOGETAIR 2023 has received prestigious patronage from Polish and foreign institutions, including the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, and the Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki.

The full agenda of the event including panellists is available at:

Follow and watch TOGETAIR 2023: Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn YouTube

Media contact: media@a-smiejatogetair-eu


PATRONATY INSTYTUCJI EUROPEJSKICH: Komisja Europejska przedstawicielstwo w Polsce, Roberta Metsola, przewodnicząca Parlamentu Europejskiego.
HONOROWY PATRONAT: Prezes Rady Ministrów Mateusz Morawiecki
PATRONATY MINISTERSTW: Ministerstwo Finansów, Ministerstwo Zdrowia, Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska, Ministerstwo Rozwoju i Technologii, Ministerstwo Funduszy i Polityki Regionalnej
PARTNERZY EKO+: McDonald’s, Stena Recycling
PARTNER EKO: Robert Bosch, Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia, Saint-Gobain, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu, Polski Fundusz Rozwoju, Fortum, PGE, Danone, Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz,  VELUX Polska
PARTNERZY: Rekopol, EKO-PAK, Federacja Konsumentów, Bank Ochrony Środowiska, PKO Bank Polski, Instytut Ochrony Środowiska – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy,  ERGO- Hestia, Medicover, Ekoenergetyka, PIOIRO, Izba Branży Komunalnej, Clochee, Polski Związek Firm Deweloperskich, Górażdże, Xylem, Green Office Ecologic,  Daily Fruits, Assay Management, ZMPD-Zrzeszenie Międzynarodowych Przewoźników Drogowych, KIKE-Krajowa Izba Klastrów Energii, Polska Rada Pelletu,  DPD, Giełda Papierów Wartościowych,  Grupa LUX MED, LPP, Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
PATRONAT MARSZAŁKÓW WOJEWÓDZTW: Dolnośląskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Lubelskie, Lubuskie, Łódzkie, Małopolskie, Mazowieckie, Opolskie, Pomorskie,  Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie, Warmińsko Mazurskie, Wielkopolskie, Zachodniopomorskie
Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej, Rzecznik MŚP – Małych i Średnich Przedsiębiorców, Polskie Regiony – Związek Województw RP,  Związek Gmin Wiejskich, Business Center Club, Francusko-Polska Izba Gospodarcza CCIFP, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Paliw Alternatywnych, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Budownictwa Ekologicznego, Urząd Regulacji Energetyki, Polski Alarm Smogowy, Fundacja Republikańska, H&M, Polska Izba Magazynowania Energii i Elektromobilności – PIME, Rolnictwo Zrównoważone, PSME
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Magazynowania Energii, Fundacja Fair Trade Polska, Columbus, Centralny Port Komunikacyjny
PATRONATY UCZELNI WYŻSZYCH: Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie,  Polska Akademia Nauk, Politechnika Warszawska, Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Uniwersytet Warszawski
PARTNER MIĘDZYNARODOWY: UN Global Compact Network Poland
PATRONATY MEDIALNE:,, Interia, Zielona Interia, Polsat News, Rzeczpospolita, Polskie Radio, Audytorium 17,  Polska Press, PAP, Forbes, Dziennika Gazeta Prawna, Biznes 24, Wysokie Napięcie, Teraz Środowisko, Audytorium17,,, Klub Integracji Europejskiej, EcoEkonomia,,, magazyn Raport Kolejowy i Raport Tramwajowy, Magazyn Inżynier Budownictwa, Eciepł, Magazyn Business HUB, SmartMe, Magazyn Przedsiębiorcy, EkoRynek, Siła Nauki, SmogLab, Świat OZE, EkoNatura, Biznes i Ekologia, Business Magazine