ANDRZEJ GUŁA - International Climate Summit TOGETAIR 2023
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  • Polski


President, Krakow Smog Alert

Co-founder and leader of the Polish Smog Alarm, a social movement for clean air. President of the Krakow Smog Alarm, an initiative that led to the introduction of Poland’s first anti-smog resolution, paving the way for anti-smog measures in other cities and regions. On behalf of the Polish Smog Alarm, he initiated activities that contributed to the introduction of anti-smog regulations, i.e. emission standards for solid fuel boilers, quality standards for coal and the creation of a universal program to finance the replacement of old heat sources and thermal modernization of homes. Andrzej Guła is an environmental economist with many years of experience in preparing and implementing programs and investments in environmental protection and energy efficiency. He has been an expert at many national and international institutions, including the European Investment Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the World Bank.