Prof. Ewelina Hallmann - International Climate Summit TOGETAIR 2023
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  • Polski


think tank member

Prof. Ewelina Hallmann is a professor of agricultural sciences in the field of food technology and nutrition, specializing in the subject of organic food. As an employee of the Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Functional and Organic Food, she meticulously studies the differences between organic food and that from conventional production. She also pays special attention to the impact of organic food on human and animal health, the development of organic agriculture and the promotion of knowledge about organic food. She is the originator of modern methods of food analysis. In her didactic work, she tries to show students that the selection of appropriate tools, techniques and research methods is crucial for obtaining reliable information about the analyzed raw material or product. Professor Ewelina Hallmann is co-implementer of national and international research projects and author of more than 240 scientific and popular science publications.