+ to ponizej International Climate Summit TOGETAIR 2023
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  • Polski

The 6th TOGETAIR Climate Summit

14 April 2025

VARSO PLACE & CIC (Chmielna Street 71-73 , 00-801 Warsaw)


TOGETAIR Climate Summit

The TOGETAIR initiative has set out on a mission to establish a cutting-edge platform that fosters the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and collaboration aimed at safeguarding the environment, achieving climate neutrality, and supporting Poland’s ambitious and economically viable climate policy goals. Bringing together diverse groups across Poland, including government and local administration, academia, businesses, NGOs, and media, this initiative endeavors to become a noteworthy contributor to the ongoing social discourse, not just in Poland but throughout the entire CEE region and the European Union.


Climate Summit TOGETAIR

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The most pivotal ecological event in Poland, TOGETAIR, takes place every year around April 22, which coincides with International Earth Day. The 6th edition of the Climate Summit will be held on 14 April 2025 in Warsaw

The two-day event will be conducted in a hybrid format, with three TV studios. TOGETAIR can be watched through an open live streaming, which is available on the main partner media websites such as Wirtualna Polska, Interia Biznes, Rzeczpospolita, Forbes, as well as on Polish and Belgian LinkedIn and Twitter platforms – to ensure that Poland’s voice is heard in the Europe-Bubble.


“We have proven that Europe can address issues that matter to Europeans—issues that no single country can solve alone. (…) We know that we are stronger, safer, and achieve more when we are together.” On May 1, 2004, ten countries, including Poland, became members of the EU, completing a long process that united Europe after decades of division by the Iron Curtain. Today, Poland is a strong pillar of Europe, and Poles are among the nations that most support the European Union.

Roberta Metsola

President of the European Parliament

The University of Warsaw is taking an increasing number of initiatives to support the climate and protect the natural environment. Through its mission and strategy implemented in research, teaching, and social activities, UW has undertaken a series of initiatives, programs, and projects that help to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Universities have a distinctive role in shaping both society and the world at large. Our task is to educate as large an audience as possible, including future decision makers. There is no spare Earth; we have one chance – there is something worth fighting for.

prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak

UW Rector

We firmly believe that the transformation processes require an effective, multi-stakeholder dialogue among European member states, taking into account the specificity of individual countries and their economies. Only mutual understanding and respect for different perspectives will ensure the necessary social support and strengthen energy security in Europe.

Artur Beck

Producer and Organizer of the TOGATAIR Climate Summit, Chairman of the Positive Ideas Foundation

The current geopolitical situation has shown that the European energy transformation has neglected the aspect of energy security, recognizing the importance and necessity of relying on natural gas as a so-called transitional fuel. The brutal aggression of Russia, which is the main supplier of this resource to the EU, should change this attitude. The Union should rely much more on its own resources – on renewable sources and nuclear energy, which also guarantee a significant degree of energy sovereignty.

Jakub Wiech

Deputy Editor of Energetyka24

The lack of certain actions, negligence, and crime put us at direct risk in aspects related to the environment. The state’s tools for protecting citizens from increasingly new threats require new regulations, flexible and active state responses, and services capable of acting effectively in such situations.

Tomasz Siemoniak

Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Coordinator of Special Services

Responsibility for new generations, the future, and the environment, recognizing climate change, and the ability to envision that humans are at the center of transformation—these are among the most important elements of building the world we live in. (…) Everything that leads us to climate recovery pathways through new technologies should already be the highest priority for both the state and society.

Krzysztof Gawkowski

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digital Affairs

The better the condition of ecosystems, the healthier the entire planet and its inhabitants will remain. We do this for all of us—to be able to operate and develop business with peace of mind.

Maria Andrzejewska

Director General of UNEP/GRID

We see daily that our clients are guided by values. They talk about social responsibility and service culture. We receive a lot of feedback from both our clients and employees, which is strongly focused on ESG elements.

Andrzej Wilk

Vice President of Citi Handlowy


The economics of new energy – challenges and costs of energy independence for Poland and Europe

The war in Ukraine was a painful reminder of the need to restore the energy infrastructure that was being destroyed and to maintain the country’s energy independence. One of the most important elements of national security and defence is the ability to provide a stable and independent source of energy. This requires a shift in … Continued

Energy resources and hydrogen – how will green fuels transform our economy?

Nowadays, the fight against climate change and decarbonisation are becoming increasinglymore topical issues. In this context, hydrogen, which is considered to be the fuel of theof the future, appears to be the ideal solution to most of the problems associated withgreenhouse gas emissions. Poland, in a special hydrogen strategy, envisages the emergence of anew branch … Continued


Today, environmental issues are increasingly pressing. As a societywe must act quickly and effectively to prevent the catastrophic effects of climate change. Preciselythis is why opening the TOGETAIR 2023 economy mode at the University of Warsaw is so important – itit enables us to focus on research and development of eco-friendly solutions that will allow … Continued


Waste management is one of the key environmental problems facing not onlyPoland, but the whole of Europe. At the first debate during the 4th edition of the TOGETAIR Climate Summit, the invitedguests discussed whether we can still expect higher waste disposal costsand how to increase the efficiency of waste management without overburdening citizens. During the … Continued


45 million

Total reach

More than 200


10 million

Streams started

More than 1200



Panelists and experts


TV studios (9 cameras, KRAN, staffs of 30 people)

More than 12 million

Views on social media

Over 5.6K










10 demands

01. Transition

The war in Ukraine 

won’t halt energy transition: Europe must ditch fossil fuels and Russia’s imports.

02. Climate change

Climate change demands urgent action,

measures adopted a decade too late will not stop nature’s chain reaction. Human actions bring irreversible consequences.

03. Costs

It is necessary to prepare residents and consumers for the inevitable costs

of the energy transition and implement shielding programs for those who will be most affected by the short-term consequences of implementing the European Green Deal. EU funds will play a major role, including a concessionary tariff during the transition period, which is necessary in view of threats to energy security.

04. Coal

There is no way back to coal.

Gas falls short as transition fuel, limiting future plans. To power up the future, ditching fossil fuels and turning to wind, water, and solar energy, plus innovations like hydrogen and biomass or RDF, is key.

05. Decarbonization

To speed up the process of decarbonization the economy

requires diversification of supply, renewables, and investments by the EU and Member States.

06. Nuclear

Small or big, nuclear power reigns supreme:

experts agree nuclear power is the key to ensuring stable energy supply. Poland must stay on track with nuclear program timetable and commission its first large-scale plant by 2033.

07. On i Offshore

It is imperative to expedite

the advancement of both onshore and offshore wind power generation, while also contemplating augmenting the offshore potential to a range of 30 GW of installed capacity, in contrast to the initially proposed 11 GW.

08. Heating

The formulation of a coherent plan for the growth of the heating industry is critical.

Neglecting to do so, given the insufficient investment prospects of municipal administrations, could effectively result in the dissolution of a pivotal sector in terms of achieving climate neutrality.

09. Power generation

Taxing windfall profits of energy corporations,

also known as “windfall profits,” could be a viable option to fund the advancement of renewable technologies.

10. Administration

To guarantee energy security and promote the Closed Circuit Economy,

it is essential to simplify administrative procedures and expedite investment processes for building critical infrastructure. The current process for acquiring environmental approvals, coupled with the capacity limitations of the issuing offices, are hindering crucial investments. As a result, the modernization of crucial sectors in the economy is facing unnecessary setbacks.


Previous editions

The Summit’s invitees comprise a diverse group of individuals, including ministers,
EU Commissioners, parliamentarians, CEOs of prominent corporations, experts, representatives of local governments,
important figures from the political, economic, and social spheres, and members of the press.