The most important ecological events in Poland
The economics of new energy – challenges and costs of energy independence for Poland and Europe
The war in Ukraine was a painful reminder of the need to restore the energy infrastructure that was being destroyed and to maintain the country’s energy independence. One of the most important elements of national security and defence is the ability to provide a stable and independent source of energy. This requires a shift in … Continued
Energy resources and hydrogen – how will green fuels transform our economy?
Nowadays, the fight against climate change and decarbonisation are becoming increasinglymore topical issues. In this context, hydrogen, which is considered to be the fuel of theof the future, appears to be the ideal solution to most of the problems associated withgreenhouse gas emissions. Poland, in a special hydrogen strategy, envisages the emergence of anew branch … Continued
Today, environmental issues are increasingly pressing. As a societywe must act quickly and effectively to prevent the catastrophic effects of climate change. Preciselythis is why opening the TOGETAIR 2023 economy mode at the University of Warsaw is so important – itit enables us to focus on research and development of eco-friendly solutions that will allow … Continued
Waste management is one of the key environmental problems facing not onlyPoland, but the whole of Europe. At the first debate during the 4th edition of the TOGETAIR Climate Summit, the invitedguests discussed whether we can still expect higher waste disposal costsand how to increase the efficiency of waste management without overburdening citizens. During the … Continued
Energy distribution and energy systems integration are topics that are often overlooked in discussions aboutenergy in Poland. Currently, energy in Poland is mainly distributed centrally, but is this thethe most efficient and cheapest way? Does the current energy network need to be modernised? What conditions forof grid energy are relevant? Experts tried to find answers … Continued
Bailiwick and SUP- needs, opportunities, ongoing barriers?
Bail-in and SUP were the two topics discussed at the second debate of the environmental stage of the 4th edition of theTOGETAIR 2023 International Climate Summit.The bail-in system is an essential mechanism for thefor the implementation of the extended producer responsibility principle and, consequently, for the reduction of the production ofwaste. However, how to design … Continued
The development of wind farms in the Baltic Sea is expected to generate 11 GW by 2040, but the potential of coastalis estimated to be even more than 30 GW. Unfortunately, the development of onshore wind farms is consistentlyrestricted by the legislature. According to estimates by the Polish Wind Energy Association (PWEA),‘700 metres’ amendment will … Continued
GOZ and value chain in operational models and business strategies
Every second of my speech, two truckloads of plastic entered the ocean – this is how Kamil Wyszkowski summarisedhis speech Kamil Wyszkowski, Representative of UNOPS in Poland, UN Global Compact Network Polandduring the third panel of the environmental scene of the 4th edition of the International TOGETAIR Summit, whosethe theme of which was the closed … Continued
Decarbonisation of supply chains and last mile logistics
The decarbonisation of supply chains is a topic that is increasingly coming up in discussions onsustainability. However, as experts point out, there is a lot of talk about it, but still little is being done,to actually reduce the CO2 emissions associated with freight transport. What measures are being taken in this regardcompanies are taking in … Continued
Climate-neutral motoring?
There has been increasing interest in climate-neutral motoring in recent years. During a debate atTOGETAIR 2023, representatives of automotive companies discussed the challenges they face on thethe road to achieving carbon neutrality. Paweł Wideł, director of Government Relations and Public Affairs at Stellantis, believes that achievingcarbon neutrality by their company is possible, but requires a … Continued
The importance of the message – between information and misinformation
Striking a balance between information and disinformation today is a challenge for themedia and society. Many people believe lies and manipulation, which not only threatens their ownknowledge, but also affects the whole community. This is why it is so important for us to be aware of whatis truth and what is disinformation. Mateusz Mrozek, Head … Continued
New ATOM handout
We stand at the threshold of the most ambitious investment programme in the history of the Polish energy industry. Already in 2033the commissioning of the first large-scale nuclear power plant is planned, and in the 2040s the Polish systemis expected to operate 6-9 GW of stable, low-carbon power from this source. Is this vision a … Continued
Smog counterattacks. The public health of Poles
How does the combination of smog, winter and viruses affect the public health of Poles? This is the question raised byparticipants in a debate organised by the editors of SmogLab. The debate was attended by representatives of variousindustries, who drew attention to the harmful effects of air pollution. Michał Domaszewski, Family Medicine Specialist, Health Ambassadors, … Continued
Energy self-reliance of citizens and entrepreneurs – RES and energy storage.
Energy independence for citizens and entrepreneurs in Poland is a very topical and important topic. Wrecent years we have seen the photovoltaic revolution and the development of other renewable energy sources,which are accelerating the energy transition in the country. However, there are still some constraints thathinder the development of RES, and one of the most … Continued
Climate hypocrisy
Climate hypocrisy – are we all subject to it? This is a question that has long troubled both environmentalists and free market advocates. A discussion on this topic took place recently during one of the panels, which included Marcin Kowalczyk, Senior Climate Policy Specialist at WWF, Wojciech Kukuła, Senior Lawyer at ClientEarth Prawnicy dla Ziemi … Continued
Economic development requires the development and availability of infrastructure. The increasing number of investment sites is anan opportunity for local communities and businesses. Are the state and local authorities responding properlyto the demand? Will the approaching economic recession hinder the processes of preparing land forinvestment areas? What obstacles do infrastructure providers face: utilities, telecommunications,energy? On … Continued
How to raise money? Grants, funds and financial mechanisms
Green transformation is not only a trend and a need, but also an investment for the future. This is why manyfinancial institutions, both domestic and foreign, are increasingly interested inin financing environmental and sustainability projects. What financial mechanisms can help raise funds for green transformation? One of themare grants provided by institutions such as the … Continued
Where are the boundaries of efficiency improvements and thermal upgrading of buildings?
Energy efficiency of buildings is an increasingly topical issue in Poland, where many olderbuildings do not meet today’s standards. The limits of efficiency improvement andthermo-modernisation of buildings was discussed by experts in a debate chaired by Agata Śmieja, President of theClean Air Foundation, during the 4th International Climate Summit TOGETAIR 2023. As Sebastian Juszczak, lawyer … Continued
Taxonomy, ESG and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
ESG, or environmental, social and corporate governance. ESG (Environmental, Social andCorporate Governance), is a topic that has become an integral part of life and business. With increasingsocial awareness and the need for sustainability, more and more companies are beginning to pay attention to the environmental and social impact of their operations.impact of their activities on … Continued
Efficient or green transport?
Efficient or green transport? This is a question that has been challenging the transport andmobility. Must efficiency and productivity in movement go hand in hand with environmental protection? CanCan both be achieved at the same time? The answers to these questions were sought by transport andenvironmental protection during the 4th International Climate Summit TOGETAIR 2023 … Continued
According to UN estimates, over the next decade the availability of clean, drinkable water for humans coulddecline by as much as 40%. Furthermore, industrial and agricultural demand is set to double by 2050, whichmeaning that more than half of the world’s population will be at risk of water scarcity. How will these risks translate intothe … Continued
Global digitalisation and artificial intelligence for the climate
Global digitalisation and artificial intelligence are currently some of the most important trends in the technological field. However, as experts from various fields point out, there is an important question regarding the balance between technology that helps and technology that replaces. Are technological advances merely a way to speed up processes and reduce costs, or … Continued
Local government panel: Ecological challenges of the regions – law, finance, geopolitics
Are Polish local authorities really effective in tackling air and waste pollution?Can investment in new technologies help solve these problems? Answers to these questionswere sought by the participants of the debate during the 4th International Climate Summit TOGETAIR 2023moderated by Roman Młodkowski, editor-in-chief of Biznes24. Biznes24. One of the main topics of the debate was … Continued
More than 70% less CO2e in a decade – The Zywiec Group on its quest for zero carbon at the TOGETAIR 2022 Summit
Eliminating CO2e emissions in production is Żywiec Group’s ambition for the next decade. Although the company has reduced emissions by more than 70 percent since 2011, achieving zero emissions is a major challenge. How the business can tackle it in partnership with suppliers, customers, local governments and municipal organizations was discussed at the TOGETAIR International … Continued
War and inflation cannot stop the battle for clean air.
There is no turning back from the fight against smog and the stalled energy transition of Polish households. The energy crisis – troubles in coal, high gas prices – will not inhibit Polish families’ desire for thermal modernization and investment in cheaper, renewable energy sources. Arguments that this is the case are provided by Artur … Continued
Śmieja about ESG: If business is to grow, it must act responsibly.
The concept of corporate social responsibility began to form in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The following decades brought dynamic changes, which today are manifested in the increasingly widespread implementation of CSR strategies, not only in the world of large corporations. An equally important and even more complex issue is ESG. What it … Continued
– We have been working for years on independence and diversification of energy sources. The most important aspect of energy independence is sustainability. We need more local RES. We need more efficiency and energy savings, lower consumption, to make the best use of our resources,” stressed Ditte Juul Jørgensen, Director General of Energy at the … Continued
TOGETAIR2023 Climate Summit partners with the final of the 6th Stena Circular Economy Award
For the sixth time, Stena Recycling is inspiring companies and students to implement closed-loop economy solutions. This year, the TOGETAIR2023 Climate Summit has become a partner of the competition’s finale. During the first day of the Summit, on April 19, this year’s Leaders of the Closed Circuit Economy will be announced. – “Changing the existing … Continued
Agata Smieja on the energy situation and ecology in POLSAT News
More than 70 percent. – such is the share of coal in our country’s energy mix today. With properly implemented changes in the coming years, this indicator can fall even to 11 percent. What needs to be done and what to bet on, and why is the atom so important? This is what Agata Smieja … Continued
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine requires a review of current energy policy in Europe. How can the previously established climate targets be maintained in the new reality? Here are 10 TOGETAIR POSTULATES, which were developed during the congress. The postulates are aimed at linking efforts on climate and security of energy, business and politics. 1. The war … Continued